To The Man Who Loves Star Wars So Much


Love you, I do
Even Yoda, the wisest of all cannot fathom how much.
Obi-Wandering the galaxies light years and light years away just to find you.
I’ll even break the Jedi code if I have to,
Or join the dark side just to save you.

If I am Anakin, then you are my Padmé,
Because Yoda only one for mé.
If I’m a Jedi, then you’re my light saber,
We will slay Stormtroopers together.
And If I am Chewbacca, then I don’t wanna fly Solo,
Because I am your Luke Skywalker, and you’re my R2D2.

Even if you get fatter than Jabba the Hutt
I would still kiss you the way Princess Leia kisses her Han.
Even if you’re as coward as C3PO
I would still die for you like Mace Windu.
And even if your face is as weird as Jar Jar Binks
I wouldn’t still think that it stinks.

When you are feeling as heavy as Darth Vader’s breathing,
Know that I’m like a bunch of Ewoks’ helping hands,
Because my affection for you is as strong as the Sith lords combined.
And I don’t need Jedi tricks for me to know that I love you.
If I was the force… I’d be with you.

– M.R.A.

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