Darker Shades of Blue

She was once the brightest white
Until someone came and painted her blue.
The melancholy swept through her being.
Time passed and she grew indigo.
For long she’s been suffering from her transition.
And so she decided to end it…

She chose to be as black as oblivion
So she won’t be transparent.
She grasped to embrace darkness
So no one could see through her core;
Thus, no one could ever hurt her anymore.

She surrounded herself with poison
So no one would try to verge upon her wall
Nor try to ask her what’s wrong,
Because even herself cannot explain
What her pith’s trying to say.

She hid the sparkle—as small sa firefly’s butt inside her
So that no predator could ever
be attracted to it and thrash it.
After all, that little light is her only chance
To find her way back to her lost self,
And mend her tainted lost soul.

– M.R.A.

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