
Before I wrote this “Being Maeryl 101 doojigger”, I first asked some people I know to describe me in one word. Just to have other sources and to avoid biases. Lol. So here’s what I got.

Awesome. Creative. Intelligent. Rude. Weird. Perfectionist. Straightforward. Bibliophile. Witty. Cool. Supportive. Doughty. Impatient. Joker. Interesting. Smart. Haughty. Happy. Kind. Simple. Funny. Generous.  Friendly.  Bookish. Spontaneous. Importunate. Curious. Odd. Unpredictable. Sarcastic. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

Some words are identical so I just singled everything out on the list. Awesome, smart, and witty are the most common answers they gave me. It’s flattering to know that they see me like that. I myself can describe me in one word, “curious”. I have so many questions, and I can be pretty annoying just to get answers. I ask a lot. My classmates would often call me “bakit or makulit” cos my line is always like, “bakit?” and they would be like, “wala”, cos they know that I got a lot of follow-up questions to shoot, but they’ll eventually answer it to shut me up. I win! Yeah. I always like things go my way. I’m somewhat assertive and domineering.

Anyway, all their descriptions make sense. I’m not proud of being impatient, haughty, sarcastic, and rude, but what can I say? There’s a thin line between being sarcastic and being humorous, and between being straightforward and being honest. Being jokey pull out that appeal of being rude and offensive to people. Maybe I am just trying too hard to be hilarious and candid.

My impatience rooted from being perfectionist. I’m a fussy and fastidious person. I want everything to be in place. I am naturally shy and unconfident. I like solitude, alone with my thoughts and hobbies. I don’t like social gatherings or visitors cos I hate too much drama and mushiness. I’m kinda introverted but not totally standoffish. I still mingle with my friends and I can be really comical. I’m always the ice breaker in the group. I know. I’m vague.

I like expressing my thoughts through art (writing & drawing). Been my passion since I was a kid. My ultimate dream is to be an astronaut (I really wanna explore the galaxy! UGH!). OKAY, so I’m obsessed (can be overrated) to a lot of things. The reason most of my friends find me weird. I’m a bibliophile (bookworm), movie and TV series geek, frustrated artist, serial killer cray-cray (fascinated by serial killers), Potterhead, Throner, and any-classical-pop-punk-rock-alternative-genre junkie. It’s like my stress reliever after a nerve-wracking day, my leisure pursuits, and I don’t think that’s weird.

I could fill a hundred pages by just introducing my peculiar self but it’ll bore you anyway so I’ll just state the basic. I suppose you already know my name. Well, I’m 20 and a BS Psychology graduate. I took my course to avoid huge amount of MATH (I hate Math more than THESIS! Yet we’re best in thesis. LOL.), though I still got trigo and stat (imagine the struggle!). Psychology indeed is interesting, but it’s just not my field of interest and expertise until recently (shit happens). I started working as a guidance counselor (I have never dreamt of being one. Totally not me!). Anyway, I’m planning to take master’s or law. Haven’t made up my mind yet and I don’t know what will I really do for a living. Dilemma it is.

Gee. This is getting monotonously long. So to make this doojigger short. . . You’ll eventually know me through my entries and posts so yeah. Watch out!

P.S. Sorry for wasting 298 seconds of your life. 🙈

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