The Versatile Blogger Award

Okay, this is so cool. I’m just a newbie here so I don’t really know what these awards all about, and neither do I expect to be nominated. All thanks to my wonderful and interesting buddy here, hooklineandinkwell. Yo the man! 🙂


The rules:

  • Thank the person that has nominated you & Include a link to their blog
  • Share seven different facts about yourself
  • Nominate at least 15 blogs of your choice
  • Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination

Facts about me:

  1. I’m fascinated by serial killers, gore stuff, and ruthless crimes. I practically research, watch, and read all the most prolific serial killers’ biography. I also love scrolling through gore pics and crime scenes.
  2. I hate my feet getting dirty. I get fussy and I can’t sleep. I just can’t stand it! FEETish? Lol.
  3. I’m a TV show buff. I love Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Suits, Reign, Teen Wolf, How to Get Away with Murder, Breaking Bad, Pretty Little Liars, etc.
  4. I’m a book and movie junkie. I basically love collecting books and movies. Foremost things that make me happy.
  5. I like hugging trees. I just love nature.
  6. I have extroverted mind trapped in an introverted personality. I don’t like going out. I hate mingling with people, but my mind is wanderlust.
  7. I’m a bit obsessive about cleanliness and organization. Everything in my computer is perfectly organized in folders within folder, within folder… -Keep Reading!