The Girl Who Cried Reading Lullabies


Good poetry either makes me sing with ecstasy or lulls me to sleep weeping. And all the poems and writings in this book exactly made me the latter! It brings so much emotion. It is consuming to the mind and intoxicating to the heart. It made me cry! Lang Leav is like a unicorn puking rainbows. It’s amazing how she put all the words together creating wonder. It’s like magic.

From The Walking Dead-Head


The Walking Dead 6 premiere! I have been anticipating this for like forever! And at last! it will come my way tonight! The Walking Dead is so much more than a horror show, it plays with theatrical grandeur, on a canvas that feels real, looks cinematic and has an orchestral score to match. I have been addicted to this TV show for 3 years now, and words cannot describe how this series takes my breath away, makes my jaw clench, and my heart skip a beat! It will have me nailed to my couch for the next five episodes. Plus the lump it gives my throat every time someone dies! Cheesus crust! It breaks my heart! Also, I cannot deny that this show gives me CANCER for stress! Like WTH! it’s a huge pain in the ass! And that’s the best thing about it! Bloody brilliant!

Spy (2015)

Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime
Running time: 2h 2m
Rating: 7/10

I watched this movie last night, reason why I didn’t get enough sleep BUT IT’S ALL WORTH IT! It is such a hilarious and cool spy movie. Guffawed a LOT!

I like how the story flows plus I super like the characters. Each one has a signature. Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy) is so DANG GOOD! I’m in love with her in this film. She portrayed the goofy spy perfectly. Jude Law is such a charmer! And Rose Byrne is amusingly funny and sophisticated. My personal fave is Jason Statham. HE TOTALLY ROCKED IT! While watching the movie, I would say words like, “OH MY GOSH! JASON STATHAM JUST RUINED HIS CAREER!” HAHAHA! I just can’t believe it! From Transporter to Expendables, Crank to Furious 7, Parker to Wild Card, and THEN THIS?! LIKE WTF?

The other thing I was so tickled about this movie was their excessive use of “fuck“. Like all the characters would add “fuck” in every word and sentence they say. I must admit, this has a little gore and adult content too. There are also parts in the movie where the characters’ conversations are long and kinda boring. But overall, this movie is pretty mental! Perfect for sleepovers and weekend movie marathon. Such a breathe from seriously stressing action-packed movies. A must-watch indeed!