

Heavy hearts
Like heavy clouds
Are best calmed
Through waterworks
Burned from your eyes.
So let your tears flow
For wherever they go
Your sorrows follow.
Let your tears emanate.
Let them water your soul
For it will flourish
Your dried depth like rainbows.




They said,
“Take a deep breath and let it all go. . .”
I nodded and decided to try
Oxygen swept
Into my lungs
My chest expanded
But I couldn’t exhale
I couldn’t let you go.

You Let Her Go


She notices troubles in your eyes
Heaviness in your heart
Silence in your voice
Confusion in your gestures
Frustrations in your breathing
She notices everything
Because she really cares
Because she understands
Because she loves you
But you let her go.

– M.R.A.



Do not just love the flowers
Love the roots
So when the autumn comes
You’ll know what to do.
Do not just love the appearance
Love the soul
So when trouble comes
You’ll know that it’s all worth it.

– M.R.A.



Someday you will find not the perfect person
But the right person.
The person who will have
The deepest connection with you.
The person who will make flowers grow
Even in the saddest parts of you.

– M.R.A.

Beyond Reach

When Worlds Collide 

It’s ironic how we live on Earth
Yet we keep on reaching the stars
We rest our eyes on top of the moon
With our back facing the Earth
While our face rest towards the unknown.

– M.R.A.

Sparks Betwixt Our Souls


I don’t want to build castles in the air
I want to build home in your arms
I don’t want sugar-coated lies
Only honesty as I look into your eyes
I don’t want to be your cynical past
I want to be your beauty-stricken chaos
I don’t want sparks between our bodies
I want sparks betwixt our souls.

– M.R.A.


sad-girl-pictures 3

Out of all the things I lost.
I miss my heart the most.
You took it with you.
Broke it into pieces
And left me nothing
But a breathing corpse.

– M.R.A.

My Love

Sitting here alone,
Thinking all the memories we shared,
Wanting all those moments never fade,
Wishing you and I are fated and meant.

Every fear I have to face,
All the pain I have to endure.
Worries have been shed,
And they had washed away
The bitterness in my heart with you at my side.

You’re my “everything”,
I wish to live with you forever
I want to hold and hug you
Can’t help giggling when talking to you
Yeah right! Absolutely addicted to you.

You gave me reason to rise and shine everyday
And live my life with hope and gaiety.
You’re the 5th element in my life
Even sometimes you make me angry and sad
Yet finding a way to make my mood back.

You make me smile and happy,
Every time you’re being fun and witty,
“I love you” is what you always say,
And I love to hear when I’m feeling down or moody.

Though you’re sometimes impish and rowdy,
But here in my heart and psyche
I love you just the way you are,
And I may be silly sometimes,
But my love for you is infinity
And I promise to love you eternally.
You’re a gift from God,
Thanks for coming into my life.

– M.R.A.

Best Friend

“Corny!” That’s how we define people with disgusting taste,
And then we burst out laughing with unstoppable haste.
Yeah! I know I’m rude,
And so are you.
That’s why we’ve flocked together
And been always there for each other.

Every time I remember all things we did,
All times we’ve wasted, all things we both liked and hated
And all memories we shared,
I just smile for a while, then realize,
I’ve had a beautiful life indeed
With you as my best friend
That can never be tarnished.

This witty poem,
Both describe our characters
That seemed to be future rockers.
I know were both funny,
But both super moody,
And even have a little stupidity,
You agree?

How many “both” did I just said?
Well nothing’s been mentioned so queerly,
Because that’s how we really are,
Symmetry in geometry,
And synonyms with balance and proportion
In the genius dictionary.

But seriously, I missed those laughs,
I missed those cracks,
I missed those crazy stuffs we both love,
All those memories worth to have,
And you, my best friend whom I love.

– M.R.A.