
Stress means being productive. Stress makes you productive because to be able to stop stress you need to solve the things that are stressing you. Stress is a healthy thing after all. It’s an indicator of busyness and busyness means making out the most of your time. Making out the most of your time keeps you from missing that someone. And missing that someone is so dang painful. So I’d rather be stressed than to miss you.

Pragmatic Focal Point

Why do people these days like or discuss nonsensical things more rather than sage opinions and weighty matters?
I mean there’s nothing wrong with a little entertainment and leisure but too much attention to ephemeral things that won’t even matter 2 years from now is a total waste of time and energy.

I once read from Winifred Gallagher’s book that what you’ve paid attention to right now is what you will be in the future. He says your life, who you are, what you think, feel, and do, what you love is the sum of what you FOCUS ON. So why not try to focus on significant and productive things? Because YOLO? Because shallow doojiggers make you happy?

They say if it made you happy, don’t regret it. But common? If your source of happiness is detrimental would it really make you happy? Wouldn’t it be happier if your happiness made you a better person? Wouldn’t it be glorious if your happiness is like a pocketful of sunshine amidst the rain, making the world even brighter? -Keep Reading!


I guess music is invented so we couldn’t hear our thoughts and maybe forget the world for even just a sec. But I guess the best thing about music aside from being a rapter and an eardrum-wracker is that it engrosses you with your deepest thoughts and senses, bringing back thousands of repressed memories and feelings.



Maybe obsession is what keeps us alive. It may be an obsession with a person, or a thing, or with the stuffs you wanna do, your passion. Sometimes it can be your refuge, cause sometimes it brings us to the other world, to a higher place, far beyond reality, and then we feel better. Not to mention it is what makes us human, a kryptonite if we’re Superman. It is what makes our eyes sparkle whenever we talk about it. Maybe it gives us soul, not literally, I mean without obsession we’ll be indifferent, and being indifferent is like living without purpose, more like a breathing corpse.
