Darker Shades of Blue

She was once the brightest white
Until someone came and painted her blue.
The melancholy swept through her being.
Time passed and she grew indigo.
For long she’s been suffering from her transition.
And so she decided to end it…

She chose to be as black as oblivion
So she won’t be transparent.
She grasped to embrace darkness
So no one could see through her core;
Thus, no one could ever hurt her anymore.

She surrounded herself with poison
So no one would try to verge upon her wall
Nor try to ask her what’s wrong,
Because even herself cannot explain
What her pith’s trying to say.

She hid the sparkle—as small sa firefly’s butt inside her
So that no predator could ever
be attracted to it and thrash it.
After all, that little light is her only chance
To find her way back to her lost self,
And mend her tainted lost soul.

– M.R.A.


I guess music is invented so we couldn’t hear our thoughts and maybe forget the world for even just a sec. But I guess the best thing about music aside from being a rapter and an eardrum-wracker is that it engrosses you with your deepest thoughts and senses, bringing back thousands of repressed memories and feelings.



Maybe obsession is what keeps us alive. It may be an obsession with a person, or a thing, or with the stuffs you wanna do, your passion. Sometimes it can be your refuge, cause sometimes it brings us to the other world, to a higher place, far beyond reality, and then we feel better. Not to mention it is what makes us human, a kryptonite if we’re Superman. It is what makes our eyes sparkle whenever we talk about it. Maybe it gives us soul, not literally, I mean without obsession we’ll be indifferent, and being indifferent is like living without purpose, more like a breathing corpse.




I see you
Through distorted realities
Bursting with multi-color
Every abstract shape,
Every contorted stroke,
All forms your soul.
My altered awareness
Longs for your being
Even in my most twisted perception.

– M.R.A.



Heavy hearts
Like heavy clouds
Are best calmed
Through waterworks
Burned from your eyes.
So let your tears flow
For wherever they go
Your sorrows follow.
Let your tears emanate.
Let them water your soul
For it will flourish
Your dried depth like rainbows.


You Let Her Go


She notices troubles in your eyes
Heaviness in your heart
Silence in your voice
Confusion in your gestures
Frustrations in your breathing
She notices everything
Because she really cares
Because she understands
Because she loves you
But you let her go.

– M.R.A.



Do not just love the flowers
Love the roots
So when the autumn comes
You’ll know what to do.
Do not just love the appearance
Love the soul
So when trouble comes
You’ll know that it’s all worth it.

– M.R.A.



Someday you will find not the perfect person
But the right person.
The person who will have
The deepest connection with you.
The person who will make flowers grow
Even in the saddest parts of you.

– M.R.A.

Beyond Reach

When Worlds Collide 

It’s ironic how we live on Earth
Yet we keep on reaching the stars
We rest our eyes on top of the moon
With our back facing the Earth
While our face rest towards the unknown.

– M.R.A.

Sparks Betwixt Our Souls


I don’t want to build castles in the air
I want to build home in your arms
I don’t want sugar-coated lies
Only honesty as I look into your eyes
I don’t want to be your cynical past
I want to be your beauty-stricken chaos
I don’t want sparks between our bodies
I want sparks betwixt our souls.

– M.R.A.