Darker Shades of Blue

She was once the brightest white
Until someone came and painted her blue.
The melancholy swept through her being.
Time passed and she grew indigo.
For long she’s been suffering from her transition.
And so she decided to end it…

She chose to be as black as oblivion
So she won’t be transparent.
She grasped to embrace darkness
So no one could see through her core;
Thus, no one could ever hurt her anymore.

She surrounded herself with poison
So no one would try to verge upon her wall
Nor try to ask her what’s wrong,
Because even herself cannot explain
What her pith’s trying to say.

She hid the sparkle—as small sa firefly’s butt inside her
So that no predator could ever
be attracted to it and thrash it.
After all, that little light is her only chance
To find her way back to her lost self,
And mend her tainted lost soul.

– M.R.A.

To The Man Who Loves Star Wars So Much


Love you, I do
Even Yoda, the wisest of all cannot fathom how much.
Obi-Wandering the galaxies light years and light years away just to find you.
I’ll even break the Jedi code if I have to,
Or join the dark side just to save you.

If I am Anakin, then you are my Padmé,
Because Yoda only one for mé.
If I’m a Jedi, then you’re my light saber,
We will slay Stormtroopers together.
And If I am Chewbacca, then I don’t wanna fly Solo,
Because I am your Luke Skywalker, and you’re my R2D2.

Even if you get fatter than Jabba the Hutt
I would still kiss you the way Princess Leia kisses her Han.
Even if you’re as coward as C3PO
I would still die for you like Mace Windu.
And even if your face is as weird as Jar Jar Binks
I wouldn’t still think that it stinks.

When you are feeling as heavy as Darth Vader’s breathing,
Know that I’m like a bunch of Ewoks’ helping hands,
Because my affection for you is as strong as the Sith lords combined.
And I don’t need Jedi tricks for me to know that I love you.
If I was the force… I’d be with you.

– M.R.A.

If You’re Not A Person


You are the moment where the sun transiently sinks into the horizon.
The ephemeral light—the beautiful flash against the dusky, dusky sky.
You are the wind that gently blows the sea into a fine bedlam,
making it kiss the desiccated shore afterwhile.
You are the moon that brings light amidst the abyss of darkness.
The saving grace of nocturnal flesh.
You are the stars that guide me—like a cosmic runway—steadily
into the dark full of uncertainties.

– M.R.A.

To The New Moon Who Was Once My Full Moon


We used to bond over heavenly bodies
You’re captivated by the moon
And I’m in love with the stars and constellations
You used to whisper your dreams to meteors
While I’m all irked before you see the Ursa Major
We used to talk about mysteries and galaxies
But never did I realize that just like black hole—
our universe condensed into a singularity—
like a collapsing massive star that soon turned into void
That our pride is a black hole that even our love—
as passionate as the burning sun—
cannot escape.

– M.R.A.

I Still


I still think of you whenever I look at the moon
I still remember you whenever I hear our song
I still write your name on the window’s moist
I still yearn to hear your voice

I still look for you in the crowd
I still see myself waking up in your arms
I still read your horoscope after I read mine
I still pine since I’ve lost you in my life

I still imagine our life together
I still wonder what you are doing every hour
I still think of you as my true love
I still wish at 11:11 to have you back

I still hate you for depleting my core
I still miss you even after all the torture
I still feel messed up when it comes to you
I still feel my stomach churn when I think of you

I still try to forget you
I still try to let go
I still love you
But I’m trying real hard not to.

– M.R.A.



Something has struck my depth,
Trying to clear the blur
Only one thing’s for sure,
It’s because of the world that seems no cure.

A while ago,
While walking on the streets with ego,
Watching all those strangers,
Scattering around, forming a bunch of crowd.

I like what I see,
Colorful things like skirts and tees,
Fruits, foods, concretes, toys,
And children with face of glee.

It’s cheering me up,
Not until I saw a family
That pictures the meaning of poverty
They are called homeless, panhandler, or beggar.
Asking for a few help, food, and money.

They’re full of emotions
With lack of hope in their situations.
Their face are tired and hungry,
A perfect shot of scarcity,
Looking them will make you feel sorry.

That scene tore me apart,
Conscience sprung in my heart,
It made me think of what I always think,
The world is so unfair.
How I wish everyone is even
Where everybody lives like heaven.

– M.R.A.

I Hate You


I hate it when you tease me
I hate you when you don’t even care about me
I get hurt when you flirt with somebody
I get jealous when you choose your friends over me
And then losing our time already

I hate you when you’re sometimes insensitive
Didn’t even aware of what the hell I feel
I hate it when you don’t understand me
Even more when you ignore me
I hate it when you lie and speak out of your alibi
Most of all when you’re making me cry

I hate you for being so unfair all the time
Being childish and jealous of
things not worth to mind
I hate those things
I hate those you’s
But how would I suppose to stop myself from loving you?
If there are thousands of reasons saying not to?

– M.R.A.



“Sorry”, is what I wanted to say
I love you
But it’s not that deep
For me to stay
But I just can’t love you
Like before
My feelings
Are not enough anymore

– M.R.A.

Empty Soul


We are so worried of being alone
That we end up missing out the bliss
of being at peace
We’re often lost in conversation with others
But never in our own thoughts
We’re deafened by loud music
But never by our heads’ voices
We’re absorbed by someone’s presence
But never by our inner most senses
We’re likely to depend happiness in our relationships
But never in our intrapersonal aspects
We are so worried of being alone
That we end up missing ourselves
While loving something else

– M.R.A.

Rain, Rain, Go Away

The rain is pouring from the sky,
Like waterworks streaming down my cheeks as I cry
The nature is with me,
Piercing through the core of my psyche,
“I’m with you. I know what you’re going through.”

But that doesn’t stop me from weeping,
The rain is so disheartening.
I winded up pitying myself,
Only breeze is there to offer its hand,
While all and sundry doesn’t seem to understand.

I feel stuck in the heave,
Cold while my eyes are heated.
Ruminating the past,
Forlorn in my room gloomed like dusk.
Grasping that I’m wretched
Waiting till this rainy day ends.

– M.R.A.