Dream Catcher


I need a dream catcher
To filter out
All my nightmares
The nightmare
Of not having you
As I fell deeper unto you.

– M.R.A.

The Girl Who Cried Reading Lullabies


Good poetry either makes me sing with ecstasy or lulls me to sleep weeping. And all the poems and writings in this book exactly made me the latter! It brings so much emotion. It is consuming to the mind and intoxicating to the heart. It made me cry! Lang Leav is like a unicorn puking rainbows. It’s amazing how she put all the words together creating wonder. It’s like magic.

Free Fall


You’re my dream
That I wished to catch
You’re the dream
I never failed to watch
I fell
I held
But you never grasped.

– M.R.A.

Most Valuable Parents


Have I ever thanked
Your parents for bringing
You into this world?
They’re the real MVP
They deserve a cookie.

– M.R.A.



I see you like a vibrant sun
In contrast with the gray crowd around
I stare at you and I’m enchanted
Your smile collided with my breath
I look at you and my heart skipped
Everything slowed down for a moment
This is not love at first sight
This is a sense of familiarity
My dream and foresight in clarity
Saying, “I know you. It’s you.
It’s going to be you.”

– M.R.A.

Yesterday At The Boulevard

young man walking alone

We walked in haste,
Side by side,
Couple of meters apart.
Our steps in synced.
And for the first time in my life,
Foot steps sound like music.
But then you strode faster.
I’m starting to see your back.
Ticktock… ticktock…
I tried to keep up.
Almost there…
The verge is getting tighter.
Suddenly you looked back.
I got awestruck.
And with a snap,
We became distant like milliard.
I got fed up.
You’re so near yet so far
From my grasp.
This is the edge
Where I find my sane.
Bye stranger.
Such travesty,
I thought,
As I watched you walk away.

– M.R.A.



I see you
Through distorted realities
Bursting with multi-color
Every abstract shape,
Every contorted stroke,
All forms your soul.
My altered awareness
Longs for your being
Even in my most twisted perception.

– M.R.A.



Heavy hearts
Like heavy clouds
Are best calmed
Through waterworks
Burned from your eyes.
So let your tears flow
For wherever they go
Your sorrows follow.
Let your tears emanate.
Let them water your soul
For it will flourish
Your dried depth like rainbows.




They said,
“Take a deep breath and let it all go. . .”
I nodded and decided to try
Oxygen swept
Into my lungs
My chest expanded
But I couldn’t exhale
I couldn’t let you go.

You Let Her Go


She notices troubles in your eyes
Heaviness in your heart
Silence in your voice
Confusion in your gestures
Frustrations in your breathing
She notices everything
Because she really cares
Because she understands
Because she loves you
But you let her go.

– M.R.A.